Sabine tried to play off Meesei's teasing with her usual flustered laugh. "I did mention it," Sabine answered. She looked to Karl with a grin. "Karl? Where would you like to go?" Karl looked surprised. "Do I get to choose?" "...It depends. We are deciding." Sabine peered up at Lunise. "Do you prefer any one of the locations, Lunise?" Lunise lightly shook her head. "As I have already indicated to Meesei, none of the options are places where I would not enjoy myself." Sabine reverted to Karl, who was silent and lifting his brow at the pressure. "I have neither been to Thorn nor Eastmarch, I admit. Though I could not rightly decide between them." At this, Lunise closed her eyes and breathed out through her nose. "Meesei," she said flatly, though with an amused quirk at the corner of her mouth. "If we are to be so terribly inept at making decisions, I fear we may require the assistance of coins to flip." [hr] "In that case, the limit is whether we can gather the resources we need in time." Fendros peered around. "Look, I understand all reservations about this. Using undead is an unpleasant precedent for how we fight, devalues life, is against the sensibilities that many of us have grown up with, and is against Hircine's view of hunters and prey in this war. We should not use this as an excuse to introduce undead into everything we do, but instead..." Fendros gestured to Saras. " use this as a tool to [i]preserve[/i] lives. As long as it is towards that goal, I will see it as an option we may take. Now then." Fendros placed his hands on the table. "I feel as though we need time to ponder on this. We need to have clear heads to plan. And a few minutes might inspire alternatives. Let us take a quick break and continue in a few minutes." Fendros stood up from his seat. Breaks from long meetings were not unheard of, though the timing was different this time. He seemed in a rush to find the doors and stand outside. Janius watched him leave and stood up to stretch his legs, as did much of the council. He was not the only one still visibly uncomfortable with the current plan. In particular, Oswall stood, walked around to the back of his chair, and clutched it until his fingers turned white. His lips pursed behind his beard. He was fuming. Fendros did not take long breathing in the fresher air outside before he sought out Ahnasha. He gently took her hand and mumbled into her ear. "Could I consult you a moment, Ahna?"