Sabine and Karl exchanged a glance. Sabine nodded. Lunise was more direct. She put her hands together and spoke. "Perfect. I would hate to leave this place too quickly." "Seat yourself, Karl, Lunise," Sabine said. "Meesei and I shall set up the fire." "Do you need any help?" Karl asked. Sabine shook her head and smiled as she stepped away. "No, thank you." Not quite ready to sit down yet, Lunise cast her eyes up at the soft blue speckles on the distant ceiling. "So tell me, Meesei. How ever did you find this place? Something so large must be incredibly well hidden if there are no records of it, as you suggested." [hr] Any attempt at a strong exterior Fendros was maintaining melted away when he and Ahnasha found themselves alone. He leaned his back against a nearby stone wall and sighed in turn. "At this point, I would do anything to make sure you and Sabine make it out in one piece. But you're right, I have a feeling there will be a few people beyond convincing." Fendros breathed in and raised his fingers. "However, I also want to know if it's even feasible. I didn't want to call upon you in front of everyone in the meeting for the sake of those who don't know about your expertise, so...what is your opinion? Can you take enough thralls to cover an escape? Will they be quiet enough, and undetectable by their spells?"