Meesei started to collect some rocks into a circle, while Sabine stacked the firewood. Trees were one resource which were not readily available in Blackreach, but Sabine and Karl had brought enough with them for them to make their fire. Pausing briefly, Meesei took the time to observe the same view Lunise was enjoying. "Indeed, even if one knew of this place's existence, it would take many years to find the entrance, if not being led by a particular Daedra." The fact that Hermaeus Mora had given the clan knowledge of Blackreach was still not common knowledge among the clan, so Meesei was reluctant to mention it in the presence of Karl. The phrasing of her answer would naturally lead to the assumption that Hircine had guided them to the cavern, which would be a sufficient enough answer for the moment. "It was not easy establishing a home here. This cavern already had its own denizens who were not quite fond of being displaced. It took a while to get to the point where we could feel safe ranging from our Dwemer city. But, this sanctuary has served us better than we could have hoped. In a decade, we have not found any indication of our enemy coming close to finding us, and they have certainly been trying. The Dwemer city itself has been our citadel within our stronghold, and I would say it has provided a sense of strength and community among us. Not to mention more Dwemer metal than we can use. We still do not have the same kind of economy as a normal city; clan members to not have to buy food and shelter with gold, but it is still different from other clans. We have a marketplace with merchants, crafters, artisans. Homes with solid walls, and thanks to the craftsmanship of the Dwemer, working pipes that carry clean water to fountains throughout the city. There are even places for entertainment, thanks to some performers and other, artistically-minded people among the clan. I still sometimes find myself impressed by the progress we have made here." Meesei explained with a light grin. --- "Well..." Ahnasha began, glancing around to make sure they were out of earshot of anyone else before responding quietly. "...I think it would. I already have quite a few thralls prepared and ready in my private hideaway. They are undead, so life detection magic would not find them. Do'rhajul's team are lycan hunters, not vampire hunters, so they will certainly be using their soul gems to search for living threats, not dead ones. Undead also do not need to breath, nor do they feel discomfort, so they can remain perfectly and completely still, and I could give them instructions to get close enough to be useful. We will still likely need more thralls than I have to occupy Do'rhajul, but we can make as many thralls as we want as long as we have soul gems. The difficulty comes in controlling them. One necromancer can only issue commands to so many permanent thralls at once. The more there are, the harder it is to command them simultaneously, and the simpler your commands have to be. I think Marcaille might be able to help with that, though."