[i]Suriel looked at Ophelia with a gentle smile, his eyes just as intense as hers were. The daggers were useful to have, but she wasn't nearly as skilled with them as she was with her whip. She felt her confidence renewed when Jax nodded at her, and she let her whip uncurl from her arm, the handle moving into her hand, the daggers sheathed again at her thighs. She looked at Suriel from under her lashes, one of her eyebrows arching up slightly. Her right arm outstretched quickly, the whip snapping around Suriel's ankle and she tugged back hard, her elbow grazing the cement wall behind her. The wound along her side stung, but it was beginning to heal already and she was grateful for that. As she pulled back, Suriel shifted his weight and began to fall backward. He hit the ground hard on his back, his wings curled up under him slightly. As soon as Suriel was on the ground, Ophelia shifted in a blur of movement, appearing standing against his chest with one dagger in her hand, coming down at him towards his throat. He brought one arm up to block the blow, and the dagger sliced through his skin again. This time though with his other hand, he grabbed Ophelia by the throat and tossed her back over him. She growled low in her throat as she skidded along the ground against her back. She managed to stop herself before hitting the other wall, and stood up turning to face Suriel again. By the time she stood, he was facing her and on his feet again as well. He moved towards her quickly, his sword coming down at her, the fire blazing along the blade still. Without a moments hesitation, Ophelia snapped her whip out and it wrapped around the tip of his sword. At the same time she pulled back on her whip, she threw one of the daggers and it landed into the side of Suriel's neck. His voice rang out angrily, and Ophelia smiled. The tip of his blade snapped at the force of being tugged on, and forced Suriel towards Ophelia even closer still. Though when the distance between them became less, Suriel's sword grazed Ophelia's hair, snapping the hair tie and her hair fell free and flowed down her back and shoulders. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly her jaw was caught in his massive hand. She closed her eyes just as a loud crunch could be heard, the sound echoing through the arena. The pain shot through her body and her pupils dilated, anger searing through her again a second time, though more intense. Her vision became blurred and spotty, and she realized after a few moments that she wasn't touching the ground anymore and instead was being held up in the air while Suriel used his wings to fly. She began to panic, knowing if she didn't do something right away she would lose. Finally after a few moments she brought her knees to her chest despite all the pain, and kicked outward, forcing Suriel's arm to move upward over his head, though he still had a grip on her now broken jaw. She reached for the other dagger, stabbing it into his hand once she was above his head and he let go of her. She left the daggers in him and as she fell, her back pressed to his and his wings spread out fully, and for a brief moment to everyone watching, it looked as though those wings belong to Ophelia. Her hair flew upward and then back down around her body as she landed with a quiet thud. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she took of running away from Suriel, though didn't stop as far away as she could have. Instead she turned around and with one final snap of her wrist, her whip wrapped around his left wing and she tugged back hard, hearing the joint of his wing pop out of place, and then she could smell blood where his flesh began to tear off his shoulder. She continued to pull back with such force that Suriel let out a feral cry of pain, and the ref blew the whistle just as Suriel fell unconscious and to the ground once again. Ophelia stood there watching Suriel fall and her eyes widened, the pain almost forgotten for a moment. Suddenly she heard her name being called, and it appeared on the board above the arena, and she fell to her knees, blood and dirt staining her entire body. The medics came to her quickly and brought her to lay down, shifting her broken jaw into place so the healing process could take place, since she healed faster than the average human or mythic. Her eyes closed and they gave her something to kill her pain slightly, but she drifted off into a deep sleep, something she hadn't done since she was human. [/i]