[center][color=FireBrick][h1]Oshea Jackson[/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/62/Everett_Thomas_%28Earth-616%29_004.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/166?cb=20070412113055[/img][/center] [center]"Time to get back on the grind!"[/center] [hr] Location: Xavier's Mansion Garage [hr] Oshea felt the familiar tingle in his head when Xavier spoke. It was time for the next mission, and Oshea had not slept at all. With eyes bloodshot, Oshea dressed himself in his X-suit and made his way to the garage and on the way fought to keep his eyes open. For all the angst and boredom he was feeling prior, the arrival of this new assignment brought him some relief: for one, he could sit back and observe how the others operated with Quicksilver hopefully shouldering the scouting role; two, he might get some rest. Or maybe Oshea could put some of his reading to use. Once he arrived in the hangar, he pulled the ruby red visor over his eyes and wobbled in place where he stood. Only when Oshea was about to fall over did he spring to life. To prevent himself from toppling over in full, he sat criss cross on the garage's floor and supported his chin atop a balled fist with an elbow resting on his upper thigh. [color=FireBrick]"Mmmmmmmm. Did you do something to your hair, Allison?"[/color] a half-sleep Oshea exclaimed to no one particular.