Ophelia narrowed her eyes, and stood; removing the umbrella from its mount, as she did. Sunshade in hand, she closed it, and slammed the capped pommel into the back of Daikichi's legs. "That's an unkindness, Aikawa-kun," she says. "If I weren't so opposed to unnecessary things, I would drop you," she assured, slamming against his other leg. "Don't worry, Aikawa-kun," another slam, "I won't hobble you," another slam, "I'm not gaudy, like a mafioso," another, "but, you have to learn a lesson," and yet another, "ABOUT KINDNESS!" Ophelia raised the umbrella to slam it, but, she felt two distinctive pings. The first had a sense of fluidity to it, like water, yet vastly more power than that, alone, and the second had a crawling sense to it, like a swarm of bugs, or perhaps a den of snakes. Either way, she was arrested in her assault, and Daikichi didn't suffer more than terrible bruising to the backs of his knees. Dropping the umbrella, Ophelia pulled out a cell phone, and speed-dialed a number. "Moshi moshi," she says, "I'll be in Home Economics. Yes. Please," she paused, "Arigatou," and with that, hung up. "The day is nice, boyo. Enjoy it." And with that, she turned to leave the rooftop. Her phone call would ensure Daikichi wouldn't remain on the roof for more than hour, but, he didn't know that. Ophelia couldn't pull more shit than money could buy, and physical intimidation could route, after all. However, that was inconsequential to the moment. Barging into the Home Economics class room, Ophelia took to a countertop, and grabbed a bag of flour. It bothered her to do it sloppy, but she didn't have the time for a full bake. "Show me... Guide me... Peek beyond the veil..." Ophelia paused, and looked into space. ~[i]Seek the Master, not the Class. Seek the known, and leave the unknown to be prepared for.[/i]~ Ophelia nodded, "...and reveal the Master that flows like water." Ophelia cut the flour bag at the bottom, and let it pour out. The grain powder exploded against the floor under the influence of magic, and formed into a picture of familiar man. "Smoaks? The teacher," Ophelia asked, as information appeared. "How pleasantly mundane." Lucius hummed, ~[i]It is best to start there, Empress. A member of the school board is already in your favor.[/i]~ Ophelia was in agreement, but Lucius added in: ~[i]Step wisely, however. Another Master stands on even ground with you, Empress.[/i]~ Ophelia smirked, "He'll be mine, in due time," her crimson eyes focused on the man, "In one way or another." Lucius said nothing further, he was his Empress's shield and consul, not her king, so he would follow, as she decided to lead -- for better and for worst. (Difficulty Level For Typing While Walking To Work: Higher than I thought.) [@The Irish Tree]