Barrington felt the quake and had a hand on his pistol attempting to draw it as the paralysis hit him as well as a large degree of panic. None of them could move as far as he knew while they watched the portal rip its way into existence on the far wall as a truly terrifying figure appeared from within it. If there was any indication of just how out of their depth they were this was it as they were unable to even defend themselves before who he supposed was the most powerful being in this area by far. Given Arthur's objections it was hard to imagine just who else besides a demon king had stumbled upon them in such a way as to make them all helpless. This was very [i]very[/i] bad as they were entirely at the mercy of a something that could likely kill them with a thought, at least that is what the inventor's imagination was conjuring up at the moment. It was then made very clear that they weren't even worth the time to dispose of from the storage house but not all of them were left unscathed. The shadow priest was taken hostage in a mere instant or possibly killed to be resurrected later, honestly who knew what would happen to the poor man as he was dragged off into the portal. The remaining three of the group as well as the King's squire were left unharmed as the evil king all but decided to ignore them as mere chew toys for whatever minions made home in the halls and rooms. The inventor was just relieved he still lived as the portal closed and function returned as his hand held a shaky grip on his pistol at the wall which he lowered after a few moments of regaining his composure. The half-vampire was more vocal than he about the situation as he was giving a silent and very sincere prayer to Kessel as he was certain they were all dead but a second ago. [color=FF8C00]"Agreed. That could have been worse, though it further complicates the task at hand or future expeditions significantly."[/color] Barrington replied continuing to reason everything out to distract his mind. [color=FF8C00]"That would be useful information its true, a rough estimate accounting for ruined passages and rooms would be helpful to gauge the length of this trip. A small comfort if anything though if not we can wing it as we go, a good memory helps with this sort of thing."[/color] The engineer was prepared to move on with torch and pistol in hand firmly gripped as a matter of safety for himself and the others, he wouldn't run off knowing his comrades were stuck down here nor was being alone in any way a good thing.