Three days ago Kale brought his ship, going by the name Prairie Dawn, into Jakku's atmosphere. He had been in contact with a woman there, a Jedi recruit that he assumed had become a Padawan before leaving the order during the Mandolorian wars. He assumed that she was living on the remote dessert planet to try and avoid the Republic. As he angled the ship towards a clear area of ground outside the city, he activated the comm unit. "We are now entering Jakku's atmosphere. Sorry about not warning you. I haven't actually had a passenger in a while. M2, could you get the cargo ready?" He had brought several crates of Correllian Whiskey with him, almost depleting the colony's reserves, but it should work as a nice excuse for why he would be out hear. The world had a bit of excess salvage, and worlds like this tended to have a high demand for alcoholic beverages. [hr] Kale walked down the boarding ramp of his ship and shivered in the cool morning air. He was parked in a field just outside Cyphan city, near where he was building a temple, but had left the landing pad free so that supply shuttles could use it whenever Captain White needed to make a delivery. Wind blew through the knee high grass and he could see a pack of Kath hounds in the distance, and an Iriaz flying over head. This world was too much like Dantooine, in his opinion, for it to be a coincidence. At some time in the past someone must have brought life from one to the other. The fact that this world was lost from the hyperspace charts meant that it was unlikely it was the republic. Jenna walked down the ramp as well and activated the controls on the underside of the hull, lifting the ramp back up. "Well, are we going to get breakfast, or what?" Kale smiled, motioned towards the town 300 meters away, and started walking towards the cantina.