[h1] In orbit around Cyphan[/h1] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/14/Endar_Spire_bridge.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160305085044[/img] Captain White was tired after his long trip to Cyphan, [hr] In the soft blue glow of the bridge he stood scanning the surface for a safe place to land near the settlement. Outside was the planet of Cyphan, a planet covered in sub-continents and islands all surrounded by the sea, he could see lush forests and jungles, large open grasslands, a band of desert islands around the equator, and the beautiful coastal areas, “Not bad” White muttered to himself Then the scan showed a landing space about 2 km away from the settlement. White entered the coordinates into the control column, and walked to the cargo bay, there he made sure everything was secured. His hold carried, Food to last the settlement 3 months, construction supplies, tools, a generator, scrap that might be of some use, some fuel, some items requested by Kale, and his BDY crew skiff that he striped to hold cargo. He strolled back to the bridge and hit engage. Then hailed the settlement on an encrypted channel. “This is the Altar, I'm descending ” he sent the coordinates to the ground, hoping that the settlement have their radio system set up and that he didn't just send a message to no one. This was the life, his own ship, and this time no army to give him orders, just like old times. He sighed and lowered his landing gear. Feeling the bump coming from the landing, a feeling that he has become so used to, it's like a friend, and in the galaxy you can't find many good friends anymore. As he lowered the ramp he could see that it was a bright and sunny day, he set himself to the hard task of moving the cargo onto the skiff. Looking at the energy of the ship White noted that next time he should leave the Altar in orbit and take the skiff down. [hr] [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/18/17637/FRSS_04.jpg[/img]