[hr][center][color=808B96][color=ff00f5][h2][b]Yony[/b][/h2][/color] Southeastern Mir - The Fall[/color][/center] [hr] There had been a crawling feeling up his back for minutes now, the feeling of being blinded on more than just the visual level pervading in his mind but having no power to stop it. The watcher made itself known, the void in his senses to the front of the party had made the rear seem active regardless of whether any dangers really existed there. He dove into the brush and flicked off his headlamp the moment he realized the danger was in front of the group and watched the hermit and the others. He listened, analyzing the words, before slowly exiting his makeshift nest and moving forward towards them. A question in riddle form, there was a half smirk thinking about how much someone he used to know hated things like that. A lame joke using the exact situation before her, details about their ages and species… from a blind woman. After the threat to his mother’s jacket from the woman he started to think these things were more coincidence. But he could feel his eyes wander from the hermit, as if the very aura around her was forcing the perception of anyone trying to focus on her to drift away. As troubling as it was, a familiar feeling supernal power almost made him feel just a little bit better. As he walked the blustering red alien sputtered about the number of people lost in the woods… he’d asked why the hermit was here, just with more complaining. The woman with Black Cat’s eyes attempted to counter with a joke, but asked for the teased information when that failed a response. Yonath only really had one question, and the answer he wanted likely wouldn’t come from these other… people. But maybe… He strolled in front of the woman as she finished and shoved his bandaged hands buried in his pockets, a single backpack strap hanging off his shoulder, looking at the hermit with one side of this face. The words he spoke seemed devoid of his accent. “[color=ff00f5]Where am I?[/color]”