A sly grin started to creep across Meesei's face. "Well, you [i]thought[/i] we were operating near Windhelm, at least. Since we led you there. As I mentioned, secrecy is still a powerful tool for us even if that means keeping the precise location of this place a secret from the other clans. Of course, now that we can teleport to this place without needing to use the physical entrance, it is much safer to bring visitors. Perhaps one day I could show it all to you." She said, though she had little hope of that actually happening anytime soon. Bringing Lunise to the cavern was one thing, but there were enough people in the city itself who might recognize her there would be a real risk to doing so. They would have to be content looking from a distance, for now. "Myself and my council have agreed to rather strict rules on what we can and cannot tell anyone of this place, but I can say that it is a treasure trove of scholarly knowledge. Being able to safely research the Dwemer, on their own schedules, in complete safety has been wonderful for our scholars' productivity. I only wish we could collaborate more closely with scholars outside the clans. If nothing else, we should record all our findings and, when it is safe to do so, release them to the world. It would be a shame for Tamriel to gain nothing out of it." Meesei commented. --- "I'm not sure. Maybe she will, but she is an even more experienced necromancer than me. I'm hoping she will be able to help create a focus for me to give my orders more clearly to more thralls. I know such things are possible to make. Who knows, maybe she already has one?" Ahnasha answered hopefully. Ahnasha released another sigh. "Anyways, you think the council is really going to go for this? A few are fine with it, but this is taboo for most of them. I mean...trying to muffle the automatons [i]could[/i] work, but Marcaille was right when she said it could be risky. Even things that should work in theory can have something go wrong, and they haven't tried enchanting an automaton before. Beyond what they get at creation. If something goes wrong at the wrong time, it could give us away, but I'm sure the council would approve of that plan more easily. It would, without a doubt, be risky, but...I just don't know. Do you think the risk would be too much? Which option do you think is better?"