[center][h1][b]Rider[/b][/h1] "MASTER!" An irrefutably masculine voice boomed from the other side of the door, the only warning offered to the young girl before Rider literally smashed through the woefully unprepared wooden door that dared to stand in his way. Dashing towards his Master, he lashed out with his hands and seized her beneath the arms, lifting her into the air. The splash of the water from her sudden removal bothered him not, nor did her soaked form dripping all over him. "Master, I caught a glimpse of the waking town! I believe I may have changed my opinion of this place, it seems rather interesting! I'd like to experience it for myself, so show me what your time has to offer!" Setting her down on the ground, he folded his arms, a cheerful and eager smirk stretched across his face. "Well? Don't just stand there dripping! Time won't stand still for us!" [hr] [h1]Cassandra Edelfelt[/h1] "Mmnn...." Cassandra rubbed at her eyes as she sat up in her bed in the sunlit forest, the chirping of the nearby birds stirring her. Wait...forest? Why was she outside? Where were the catacomb- What. Why was Caster dressed up like the Queen of Hearts? Why was she dancing in front of her bed? Wait...there was another one now, dressed as Mother Goose, and a third as the Little Red Hen. Oh shit, they were becoming more numerous! Cassandra slowly held up her hands in a placating manner. "H-hey, Caster...c-calm down, alright?" Wait, it wasn't just nursery rhymes now...she [i]knew[/i] some of these people! It was...her family. Why was Caster cosplaying as her family? "Mom? Dad? What the hell?" No, they were everywhere now! EVERYWHERE! "SHEEERO!!" Caster screamed in her ear, causing Cassandra to bolt up in her bed in the catacombs, frantically panting. "Oh [i]goddamnit[/i], Caster..." [/center]