[url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171003/3f069ae276ea2942b124294b29a5d9f7.png[/img][/url] [hr] [color=gray]Had circumstances been different, Lillian would have scolded herself for forgetting something so important, like announcing herself, or even radioing in as Lucas had said, but at the moment, she didn’t care, nor did she make any attempt to answer Lucas’ question. The moment Lucas raised his rifle in the direction of the other ODST, Lillian swivelled on the foot of her heel and aimed down in the direction Lucas was. She loosened slightly after seeing the obvious human figure. She managed a curt salute to Rylei, then gave her the once over from afar to see if she could find any injuries. Seeing none, Lillian relaxed, and pulled off her helmet to push her hair out of her eyes, back behind her ears where they were meant to be. There was something dead in Lillian’s eyes, whether or not it was her on the inside was unknown, but she didn’t look completely there. Her instincts were there, but her mind was elsewhere once more, dwelling on the image of her dead brother. She more or less shook herself out of her stupor, and once more was flung into the present. She forced a smile to both Rylei and Lucas, before removing her canteen of water and offering it to both of them, either holding it out until someone grabbed it, or holstering it once more if her offer was rejected. [color=white]“Pelican took fire when we were making landfall. E-everyone else died a couple hours later.”[/color] She hadn’t lied, but she couldn’t dwell into specifics. Couldn’t bare the pain. Not now, maybe not ever. Sub-consciously, she clenched and unclenched her fists at the thought, but she tried hiding her pain, albeit badly. A joke. She needed something to get her mind off it again. She kept her forced smile plastered on her face as she turned to Lucas, trying to look happy or glad to find other humans on the god-forsaken planet, but her eyes told a completely different story. [color=white]”Next time, can you please keep it to one question per minute?”[/color] She failed the joke. It came off as hostile, and she wasn’t proud of it, but again, she was shaken out of her stupor and regret by yet another body exiting the forest, in seemingly stupid fashion. She aimed directly at his head, but something, be-it divine intervention or sheer willpower stopped her from pulling the trigger. She sighed, and lowered her gun once more, before giving the new soldier another look-over, this time seeing blood and plasma burns, and thus the probable need of a medic. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, sighed, and ushered him over, somewhat ashamed in herself for almost firing upon a friendly. [color=white]”Next time talk louder. Come here. If you’re wounded I’ll patch you up before you start talking more. Also learn how to address your superiors, Private.”[/color] She was somewhat confident in herself again, after seeing the standard insignia on his helmet, and spoke in an almost unamused tone, half-belittling Hunter, and half-uncaring about the situation they were in. She no longer held the smile she forced a few moments ago, instead back to the usual blank face she had adopted since her brother’s death. After spending a moment figuring out exactly where the mag-lock was on her BR-55, she managed to attach it to her back, and started rummaging through her medic’s satchel for drugs and bandages with her now free hands. She just wanted to die on the inside, but she wasn’t one who’d let that put other lives at risk. She was needed in the upcoming battle, she knew that at least, she mused as she pulled the cap off of a needle. She was going to at least take her frustrations on the new soldier, since right now stabbing anything would help a lot, even if she does so with a needle.[/color]