[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Konohagakure - Exam Stadium Observation Room[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku, [@Write][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Yogensha had moved herself to the room where Kaito would be healed after his failure to secure victory or even a draw. For a moment it had seemed like there [b]would[/b] be a draw, but Kaito had somehow passed out in one of the last stages of the fight. At least, that was the explanation she was offered by the proctor. It would have sufficed - she had never had much faith that Kaito would succeed in this test. Shinobi like him were better off testing their skills away from the public eye in an area where they could craft the environment to their liking and fight from the shadows. At least... that was her idea regarding the boy. It was a disservice to him to think of it, but truly, he had not stood a chance in an arena where the environment was carefully orchestrated to benefit only those who favored the direct approach to a fight. An oversight of the Hokage, in her eyes. The game was rigged from the start. It was also little surprising that Kaito had an outburst. It wasn't the fact that he had lost, it seemed, that troubled him. It was how he had lost, and more importantly, [b]to who.[/b] She smiled as she stood at the window, overlooking the peaceful outside of Konohagakure. A stark contrast to the violence that was now going to occur just outside it's walls. How ironic for one of the most idyllic villages to have an aptly name 'forest of death' right outside it. Nobody seemed to question it. For good measure, perhaps. It was only then Kaito seemed to have noticed her, and he quickly responded by apologizing and offering his services. She did not reply - instead, she took a moment to mill over his outburst. [i]“Kaito,”[/i] she said slowly, in between his apologies and offer and his question about her assistant. [i]“You would do well to apply your anger in more efficient places. The mind is a vessel as you know - the knowledge of the Sage fills it. The mind is also the precarious balance, the yin-yang we apply in our physical being, our ninjutsu, it must be the same in our head, the balance of yin.. against yang. The sole purpose of it is to balance us in our lives, as I understand it. There must be anger, surely, but that means there must be something to counter-balance that.”[/i] She glanced out the window a moment longer before turning around and looking to Kaito. Her smile had disappeared, and her face was contorted into a stern, serious look. [i]“What is your counter balance?”[/i] Mental, psychological equilibrium were just as important to her as a shinobi's comfort in battle. Kaito had proven the latter - even in a fight, he had remained calm. But, this anger she saw in him, she would need to ensure that it was applied in the right direction. She did not, however, raise her voice. Instead, she sought to understand and learn from Kaito. If his allegation that she was perfect was correct, then she would not learn anything from him anymore, and could only seek to learn from the Sage. She knew this to be untrue, but did not correct him. Such a vision of his leader could always be used to push him in the right direction, [b]to lead by example, from the front, and not from a desk in the back.[/b] [i]“What have you learned?”[/i] The sharing of wisdom was intended for her to understand his perspectives better, to understand what had aggravated him and what pushed him further. She would not correct him, she would not tell him her own lessons she'd drawn from his fight. Instead.. when he answered, she would nod at him understandingly, and accept his visions as his own. She had, after all, a deeper understanding that every person is their own and must learn on their own. She turned to the window again and looked outside, glancing at the green of the trees. A sight she would never see in Amegakure. But she did not feel jealous. She felt homesick. [i]“Sayuri will not be participating. She did not care to enroll, and although that is her own choice, I have my doubts I would have allowed her to enroll either.”[/i] The reasoning for this was more complicated than her belief that she was unready. Quite the contrary. Sayuri was more than ready, and she was confident that Sayuri would've done well. Perhaps too well - that was also her reasoning for being against her enrollment. But she did not tell him this, and her perfect composure meant that he could not have guessed it, no matter how shrewd the boy was. Which he was, she knew, but not shrewd enough. There was nothing shameful there, either, as very few people were shrewd enough to understand Yogensha's through thoughts and reasonings. [i]“She will be here shortly, but since she was signed in as my assistant and not a shinobi, there may have been complications with her papers. I am unaware of it as of this moment, but knowing Sayuri, she will find her way. She always does.”[/i] Sayuri's way was usually different from her own, that much was true too. But she understood Sayuri, or at least thought she did. It was better to leave her be and let her figure things out on her own. Unbeknownst to her, Kaito and Sayuri would become very important to the village later in time. But now.. they were just regular shinobi to her. One was a promising student who had just failed and learned some valuable lessons. The other an assistant and protege who seemed more occupied with finding her own way than serving the village at times.