[i][b]In a world where new alien species are being discovered almost weekly, where superhumans are becoming more and more of a thing, nothing could prepare the heroes [or Champions] of Engine City for the radioactive mayhem of the villain called Tox once he exploded over the east end of Engine City. Hundreds of civilians were infected with a strange toxic mutagen born from the DNA of the villain and transformed into melted looking men and women with enhanced strength and speed however many of them are unable to see clearly. The authorities had no choice but to quarantine the area, but even with this five square block area off limits to the general public crime and injustice plagues the city. Will you join the fight for truth and justice, or play on the other side of the fence as an anti-hero or villain? Will you be a Champion?[/b][/i] --- Rules: 1.) No back-to-back posting. 2.) PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND SET-UPS!! 3.) [i]Make sense[/i]. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over. 4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! 5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. 6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story. 7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to not post. 8.) There is no rule #8. 9.) [b]My word is law.[/b] 10.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (not yet selected) will take control and [b][i]HIS/HER[/i][/b] word will then be law. --- It was 10:27 am in Engine City, April 3rd. Mild tempuratures on an early spring day. Just two weeks after the radioactive man known as Tox seemingly exploded over the five square blocks of the city now quarantined, where the tempurature is a few degrees hotter than it should be for obvious reasons. Had it not been a criminal transport flight gone wrong Plex or one of the other new heroes of the city may have taken blame. Plex now has a few duplicates set up in various parts of the city, connected by the telepathy that links them all like an instant messenger app in their minds. It's no big addition to his power, but it makes Lucas and his duplicates more organized in a way. And his training and missions with the panther like teleporting Leopold of the Allies didn't hurt either. Lucas had a duplicate standing in for him at the garage, Miller Tire & Break, located just up the road from Warpath River. Five miles away and that much closer to downtown Engine City was Jefferson Heights where Lucas had a loft apartment that was obviously divided into a bachelor pad and a man cave with a separate entrance that served as his superhero base of operations. He had saved some money with all he'd earned in the Allies working for the United Nations, but not enough to have a Bat Cave. Plex's other agents were in disguise throughout the city, another skill he'd learned from his friends in the Allies. While he was tossing around some ideas at his apartment and getting ready to go on patrol himself he had a duplicate disguised as a homeless man near Battery Park, another is hiking the endge of a mountain looking over what is essentially the heart of Engine City [namely several large factories so close they're almost connected]. Like an industrial trailer park but instead of being a subdivision it was like it's own half of the city with some factories being larger than many of the building and skyscrapers. Other duplicates are stationed in civilian clothes in places like coffee shops, the Fort Thompson Mall, and generally just walking around. "Something doesn't sit right with me about the whole Tox situation," Lucas thought while taking a shower and getting in-costume to go on an early patrol himself, "any other time he was easy enough to contain but now his leftover slime and energy isn't coming together again to reshape him a body. It seems as though Carter Hills was targeted on the east end of the city about three miles from Thomas Sweeny High School. But how did Tox's mass expand and explode, and why Carter Hills?" After getting dressed and stretching in his apartment, he went up a fire escape to the roof where he made a duplicate or two and reabsorbed them to get the mass for giant growth. "Sorry to make you guys just to reabsorb you..." he said to them. "It's okay, we got used to it with the Allies needing a giant man more than man power." one of the duplicates responded before a light blue glow from the original Plex absorbed the two like a black hole making the original Plex roughly ten to eleven feet tall and now bulletproof. The original Lucas was the only one who could reabsorb the mass itself for giant growth. He now jogged and leaped from rooftop to rooftop throughout downtown Engine City like a more proportionate Hulk from the comic books on the racks at the Quik-E-mart. "I need to try and get into Carter Hills past the quarantined lines of defense. Not many large buildings to leap from and I don't know anyone with the ability to fly or a plane to drop me down in there. There's got to be some clues as to why this is happening the way it is, a cover up perhaps?" Plex continued thinking while on patrol. ~KL~