"That is not something to doubt, Meesei." Lunise turned to meet her eyes. "Marod has made it quite clear with you how he intends to integrate the clans as protected communities. Taxes shall not be the only thing lycans are likely to produce." Sabine nudged Karl while bringing out the components of their coming meal. "Tell them about your work, Karl," she encouraged. "Oh, my research? Well...where to start." Karl paused to slowly breathe in and gather his thoughts. Lunise turned on one foot and regarded Karl with interest. Karl spoke roughly in Meesei and Lunise's direction. "This place has...more relics and history than most archaeologists uncover about the Dwemer in their entire lives, elves included." Though he was holding on tightly to his cane with both hands, he gained confidence as he continued. "Much of my work has been in understanding the automatons that still guard this place, due to the council's interest in repurposing them. However, the city itself has been a trove of suggestions as to how the Dwemer themselves lived day-to-day. How they interacted. The pipes and pressure systems they set up reduced the need for many of the everyday chores that we do. Simple things like drawing from a well or grinding grain, all done by machines." [hr] Fendros looked down and crossed his arms. A moment passed, he itched behind his ear. He turned his eyes up to Ahnasha and spoke frankly. "I honestly think the undead are the best option we have right now. I am not happy that it is our best option, but that doesn't change the facts. I might be able to convince enough of the council, even if they do not like it either. Perhaps by a promise that this would be the only time we use undead and that the thralls are destroyed after the mission, I don't know." After another stressed breath, Fendros closed his eyes and turned his head up to lean against the wall. "The automatons should be a fallback if we cannot convince them of the thralls. I could not feel right sending you and Sabine in without a way out. It is not worth the risk. Especially with their capabilities." His eyes peeked open. "The best case scenario is if some divine inspiration strikes one of the council and comes up with a better plan." Fendros pushed off the wall and brought his hands up to Ahnasha's shoulders. "Are you sure you're alright with infiltrating the camp, either way? I do not doubt you can do it, only that this holds a high risk for something that we have no guarantee of success with."