[center][h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OKR0FTf.gif[/img] Ayato Kamina[/h2] [/center] Kamina looked at him a little funny when he said he didn’t want to impose. What was he imposing? He just said he could use his given name. Maybe, that meant more to him. Whatever it was, he was just going to stick with calling him Yoshida for now. He still wondered why it meant so much to him though. He realized he might be the one imposing. He didn’t want to seem like he had to work out with him. He definitely didn’t want to be a burden to him. He already knew how to work most equipment, and he knew his limits. Although, he planned on not using his quirk this time. It was easy enough to do a lot of things with his quirk, but now he needed to prepare himself to act even without it. Yoshida definitely seemed a lot stronger than him. There was no way to keep up with him for now. He agreed to letting him join though, so it was fine. [b]“Ah that’s fine.”[/b] It wasn’t surprising he was asking about his quirk now. [b]”They are my quirk, and there’s seven of them that act like a boost in different ways. They make me act weird though, so it’s hard to use multiple at once. They boost things like strength, speed, senses and even healing. It feels weird to share them though.”[/b] He stopped sharing after that. It was the gist of his quirk. He walked over to the door. [b]”You ready to go?”[/b] [color=f26522]”So you’re not even going to introduce us properly.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]”That’s pretty rude, jerk.”[/color] Kamina gave a sigh. It was going to happen inevitably at some point.[b]”They also have their own personalities. I could introduce all of them if you want. I was also wondering what your quirk was.”[/b] [@Zeroth]