Bruce smiled, feeling the structure fly into the air, rumbling as it lifted off the ground. He watched from the roof as it rose higher and higher. [color=0072bc][i]'Thirty minutes.'[/i][/color] He thought, recalling Jeff's estimate. He sat down, cross legged, and brought back his Ki-based whittling knife. His instrument would be finished in ten minutes, and he'd spend the next fifteen playing an old melody that brought to mind tales of mythical beings and magic-wielding heroes in a guild not unlike the one to which he now belonged. Two minutes prior to arrival, he decided, he'd make a play of his own to provide the Order a 'request' that they extend an invitation into their tower. The eager smirk he'd hidden when he was with the others grew once again on his face while he worked, and it remained. For all that was at stake now, even with reality tearing itself apart, nothing could dim the somewhat morbid thrill of anticipation toward the impending battle. [color=0072bc][i]'The Order believes they know fury,'[/i][/color] he mused, Sakki stirring a bit. A tinge of red ran down the edge of the gold knife. [color=0072bc]"They have no idea."[/color]