[hider=Harbinger (WIP)] Name/Alias: William "Harbinger" Augustus Species: Half-Umbra - Half Human Species Lore : How exactly The Umbra first appeared is not known by most who've had the chance to interact with a Umbra. The Umbra are most myth than reality for most as the number of Umbra that took human or some other earthly form is lower than 1000 throughout human history. The truth of the matter is that once a few thousands a human is chosen to be transformed into a Umbra and then tasked to represent the Umbra race in their interests on Earth. Umbra society is structured in a caste-like system with every Umbra having a place chosen from the start of their existence. The human chosen to represent the Umbra race is the only Umbra that is allowed any contact with humans or other supernatural creatures. [hider=Appearance Human Form :] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130501195623/nightshadebooks/images/c/cf/Evil_wizard_by_danilolatino-d306w01.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Appearance Shadow Form :] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/70/a1/4c/70a14c4a07a551b5c78808a5f3cab80a--shadow-creatures-ghosts.jpg[/img] [/hider] Faction: The Umbra Biography: (Who are you?) Personality: (Three Words that Describe) Melee Weapons: (Melee weapons and the like) Firearms: (Bows to Crossbows to Guns in the Future) Skills/Abilities: (Tell us about your cool cool trick! Special techniques, Latent Powers and auxiliary abilities go here) Other: (Anything extra you want to add?) [/hider] I'll finish it tomorrow. Unexpected problems appeared...