[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/30/17/76301796560e2266c6010eca1960a437--anime-people-anime-guys.jpg[/img] Name: Robert E. Cerf "Online name: No_World_Order" Age: 15 Digivice color(s): Black with gold highlights. Backstory: Robert was born to a life of luxury, with his father being the CEO of the electronic company "Tomorrow Electronics", however, Robert's life wasn't like most rich kids being pampered all the time or being abused by unloving parents. Rather his parents spent as much time with their son as possible and according to Robert a bit too much time. You see they were the examples of the selfmade rich folk that started off in poorer families that got to their positions on cunning and ambition alone. This caused them to never want their child to fall to a place such as that, so they were strict with his upbringing, this caused complex emotions to rise in Robert as on one hand he hated being put into such a controlled environment, but on the other he didn't want to make his good, but flawed parents unhappy, so he kept up a public persona of a model high school honor student, but in secret became a hacker and juvenile delinquent with the screen name of "No_World_Order" arranging for practical jokes and sorting though the web for interesting information, which is where he first got the rumors of the digital world which peaked his interest and lead to a series of events that lead to him becoming a tamer. [img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/d/d7/Dorumon_%28Re-Digitize%29_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160416102136[/img] Base Form: Dorumon Nickname: Doru (Real creative I know.) Attacks: Dash Metal - Metal Cannon - Hyper Dash Metal - Dino tooth Digivolution Line: Dodomon--> Dorimon--> DORUMON--> Dorugamon--> Dorugreymon--> Alphamon--> Alphamon Ouryuken