Meesei spoke with the same kind of interest as Karl. "I can only imagine what life here would have been like during the time of the Dwemer. Back when the city was at its peak, working as its creators intended it. We have restored as much of the machinery as we can, but some of it is simply too damaged, or too complex to repair without a true understanding of how it is meant to operate. From the time I had the pleasure of spending assisting with the research, we found that magic is an integral part of many of the Dwemer's creations, but it is not necessarily the key ingredient, so to speak. Some of their most impressive creations work through mundane, physical interactions of steam, gears, and such. But trying to piece together that knowledge just from the pieces we can find, working or no, is a task that no scholar in Tamriel's history has accomplished. I have no doubt that kind of knowledge could do a great deal of good for the world. Or harm, if the fate of the Dwemer is anything to go by." With the fire going, Sabine would be able to start on their meal. Meesei could admit that Sabine was a better cook than her. The concepts of cooking were not too far removed from those of alchemy. "We have also learned about the Falmer which live here, though there is less to learn than with the Dwemer. Mostly, it just reinforces the generally accepted theory that the Falmer were taken in by the Dwemer as refugees, then betrayed to become slaves. Most of the culture of the Snow Elves, their former civilization, is lost to time. These Falmer are a shell of the legends of what they once were; it is doubtful they even remember their own history." --- Ahnasha's hesitation, and the long sigh that followed, revealed some of her fear that came along with this plan. "Well, I can't say I'm excited to do it, but I know I'm the most qualified. Not only can I move quietly, but I will be the one in the best position to know when and if the thralls will be needed. If I go, then I will be in full control of our contingency plan. I know this can go very wrong, but it could go badly no matter who does the infiltrating. And, if all goes well, it will be less risky than trying to attack them. I have to do it. We just need to convince the council. Marcaille and Saras will go along with it easy. Ri'vashi clearly does not like it, but I think it will be easy to appeal to her by convincing her it will keep the infiltrators safe. Oswald will likely be the most difficult, but it is not as if we need a unanimous agreement to reach a decision. Still, I would want to try and convince him, if only to avoid more problems down the road. Darahil...I am not sure. That Mer is hard to read, and he did not give much of a reaction back there."