While even Elliot could agree that unpacking a new toy involved a certain degree of wonder and excitement, the time for such trivialities had come to a close. The advent of Decoy's real explanation galvanized the oft-alienated antihero to stow the hologram projector on his person and tent his fingers before his face. Suffused by a look of acute attentiveness, the Margrave absorbed every liquid ounce of information the Wards' mission control could excrete. He told of a rally the heroes' foes would be attending, and his the Margrave's mind span with images of boldly crashing the party, but in the end it turned out the junior justiculars' task would be to undertake a drug bust while the garrison was thinned. Already he could picture all the different things he might want to toyify and take with him on such a venture. [color=8F9779]”This mission is suitable,”[/color] he concluded with a curt nod of his head and a cross of his arms in an X across his chest. Contrary to his resolute demeanor, he jumped in sudden surprise at the fearsome dinosaur that seemingly sprang out of nowhere. No unfortunate and illogical phobia of prehistoric beasts plagued him, of course, but any kind of abrupt movement in his vicinity surely made being startled justifiable. Neither was he alone in his momentary terror; judging by her reaction, Evelyn felt just as taken aback as he. He delivered to the group's newest and flightiest member an admonishing glance. Rather than notice him, the girl proceeded instead to just bubble about her capabilities, her enthusiasm such that her entire body jittered like a puppy's. The sight of it made Elliot cringe, and he deigned to look away. Any serious planning, his face said, would have to be done independently of Lillian. Next to speak was Ira, but she had nothing to say that concerned the exemplary yet woefully undercut talents of the Margrave. She and Tulpa reoriented their focus on the young tinker's new gizmo, and while the latter made an effort to draw herself back into the big picture, she made it clear that the amplifier had very nearly monopolized her focus. It fell, then, to Alessa to get everyone in line. The Wards' leader took all that the others spitballed and put it together in a passable fashion, even being so courteous as to remember her team's resident chosen one. When mentioned, Elliot turned himself so as to be side-facing and looked at the others from the corner of his eyes. [color=8F9779]”How right you are. The applications of my unassuming yet indefatigable power are infinitesimal.”[/color] He scrunched up his eyebrows, reading back what he'd just said in his mind. [color=8F9779]”I mean...just 'infinite'. Though to say it's 'just' anything is, naturally, an understatement borne of boundless modesty!”[/color] With that out of the way, he returned to pondering what items he might need to procure for this mission. [i]Gun, bricks, more caltrops, gas grenades...car? Couldn't hurt.[/i]