[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M5I1dzL.png[/img][/center] As Chen followed order and dealt with the intrusion of Diana alongside Iona, the Holy Imperator cracked another eye open. This time she was directing her gaze to someone new who had entered her chambers and it wasn’t difficult to locate Suparna’s wretched form. Indeed, she could dress the part of an Angel all she would like, but the Imperator saw her true core. She would always remain a Demon in the eyes of heavenly light…but she kept her around if only to amuse Diana. [color=gold]“Yield, Chen. Let Diana play with her pet,”[/color] the Imperator said, catching notice of Chen’s only suspicions towards the maggotry demon. [color=gold]“She knows very well the honor she has of walking among our ranks,”[/color] the Imperator continued, keeping her gaze on the demon until both she and Diana had soon departed. As the room was made quiet once more, the Imperator closed her eyes and rested, unaffected by the conversations around her. [color=ed1c24]“Oh for fuck’s sake, just leave me along you goddamn hippie!”[/color] Ruxen said, backing away from Pink’s all too cheery form. No one acted [i]that[/i] happy without some shady intentions and she was not going to be endorsing free hugs. [color=ed1c24]“Why don’t you go hug a cactus or something barf for brains. I hear it’s the exact same if you actually hugged me,”[/color] Ruxen continued to say with a scowl. Back in the Happy Verse, the golden-tinted kitten stared up at the snake lady before curving her eyes in a glare. [color=f7941d]“Kid? Kid!?! Lady, I hope you get claws stuck in your scales,”[/color] she said, though largely ignored since Ananta had other felines to talk to. [color=f7941d]"A kid! Oh ho, you’re making one big old mistake reptile breath,”[/color] the kitten muttered, pride too broken for her to continue and she stalked off to go drown some ladybugs in a puddle or something. No, the one Ananta was most interested in was Noire. [color=a187be]“Nyah?”[/color] the cat said, perking her ears up as she was addressed. [color=a187be]“Nyah~! You must have kids on the mind more than me lady. You’ve got quite the little pack following you around yourself,”[/color] Noire said with waves of her tail. She ignored the sudden blur of the weird girl with angel wings suddenly speeding off to who knew where; Miyu would find that the dimension of the Happy Verse was near-infinite anyway like any other plane of reality. [color=a187be]“It’s not nice to go around accusing folks newcomer. Betcha you didn’t know that’s how fights and arguments start out <.<”[/color] Noire said. This time, she was idly scratching a claw into one of the many branches surrounding her, shrugging off the glare Ananta was giving her. [color=a187be]“Can’t a cool cat like me just hang out and relax like it’s no one’s business, nyah?”[/color]