[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7vpzoPeW51rsy50k.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=#4dffa6][b]Location[/b][/color]: Merchant Area[/center][hr][hr] The slight feeling of instability and the buzzing in her ears seemed to dissipate quickly, something that Dorothy was thankful for. However, to hear that they wouldn't be able to apprehend the suspect made Dorothy's heart sink. She hadn't been able to follow each of the decisions Foy had made, but she had had faith in his ability to get them to their goal. The tracking of blood in the sewer had given her false confidence, she supposed, that they'd be able to find her once above ground. Dorothy couldn't help but regret that she had shot to wound and not to kill. Not only was it a major security breach for the crew, but Dorothy couldn't help but feel she was continuing to fail as Anisa's second. She couldn't punish her sister, she couldn't keep Genevieve from bothering the captain when Anisa was hurting, and she couldn't even fulfill the simple task of making sure no one got onto the ship that wasn't allowed. She couldn't even force a smile, feeling like her failure was being shoved in her face. All of this time and energy for nothing. Maybe Anisa would be better off with someone else as her second. Dorothy didn't feel like she was meant for the job at this point. [color=#4dffa6]"Solidarity,"[/color] Dorothy agreed, feeling a bit too disappointed in herself to be irritated with Foy offering her his arm. She accepted it without too much protest, trying to imagine how exactly to tell Anisa what had happened--and how angry her friend would be. Ironically, this was a time where Genevieve would've been helpful to Dorothy. There wasn't much anyone else on the ship that she could talk to about this lack of confidence--though Atticus might do, as irritating as the preacher was. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=8882be]Fitz Townsley[/color][/h1][img]http://www.theweirdlings.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/science.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=8882be][b]Location[/b][/color]: Town (Toy Store)[/center][hr][hr] Fitz's eyes widened a bit as he spotted the price tag on the game. He had grown up relatively wealthy, but he wasn't made of money and with a price like that, it'd be eating a bit into his food and shelter budget. However, before he could apologize to Royus profusely that he wasn't sure if he could afford it, Royus removed the tag from the box. It came off cleanly, a feat in itself. Fitz always had trouble pulling the little tags off of games and other items, finding that the adhesives tended to stick. It had taken a lot of practice for him to be able to get them to come off cleanly. [color=8882be]"I-I don't know how to thank you,"[/color] Fitz said. This wasn't the type of person he had been raised to believe lived in the outer planets and the rim. He smiled at Royus, feeling a bit reluctant to leave behind the relative safety of the Toy Store. He was tempted to ask Royus if he'd be interested in taking a bit of a trip, but the old man had his store and his life here. Not everyone would abandon that...but still, it could be worth asking? [color=8882be]"Y-Y-You know, there c-could be games and toys in the 'Verse that would be worth collecting,"[/color] Fitz said tentatively. [color=8882be]"A-A-A-And...maybe you'd want to get them?"[/color] He wasn't sure if he could go right out and tell the old man that he thought it'd be fun if Royus came with him to see the 'Verse for a little while. It seemed a little awkward to say something to someone he had just met, but Fitz thought he might as well ask anyways. That was what this trip was about--trying new things.