[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Shinto_torii_vermillion.svg/125px-Shinto_torii_vermillion.svg.png[/img] [b]Emergence of the Visage of Asura[/b] [/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Konohagakure - Medical-center, room 201, [/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku, [@Write], Koma Hitsugi, [@GlitchyBugger][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Yogensha stared out the window, even as Sayuri entered and offered her the dangoes. Yogensha politely declined, finding herself without appetite today. However, what piqued her interest were Sayuri's words. She was right, of course. It was good to be knocked around from time to time. [i]“No victory without loss, just as there is no happiness without sadness,”[/i] she added, finding herself nodding slightly at the remark. She turned around and was almost prepared to leave and leave these two to their business, when sudden explosions in the distance caught her ear. She stood solemnly, her mind racing faster than anyone else's could have probably kept up with. She weighed every single decision in her mind carefully. Then, she looked to Sayuri. [i]“Get Kaito out of bed. We are leaving.”[/i] The plans were solid - no reason to hang around, after all, and she would be ignoring her duties as the leader of Amegakure if she declined to save her students first. The kage's would understand, surely. The plans were, however, thrown into disarray rather rapidly, with the sudden explosions underneath and above her throwing her off momentarily. Rather quickly, she formed handseals and then with a rapid move glanced up and prepared herself to catch the heavy block of concrete and steel that was about to crush her and her students. It was a block at such a size that no man could aspire to catch, much less a woman that looked about as fragile as the gracious and well-kept Yogensha. The medical personnel in the room looked at her in shock as they noticed she prepared to catch the block, and perhaps even Kaito himself would've found this strange. Most people had never been subject to her hiden technique after all. [i]“[b]ASURA NO TEISAI![/b]”[/i] she yelled, just when the block of concrete hit her hands. She stood for a moment, holding the block up, protecting her own students while near the door a medical assistant was crushed by another block of concrete, gasping for air as the block weighed down heavily on her. Yogensha would've liked to help her, but it was too late, and to give up now would mean the death of her students. A decision that would've been unforgivable by the Sage of the Six Paths. She buckled under the weight and for a moment it seemed like she would not be able to keep it up, when a new arm appeared from her back, and moved up against the block of concrete. Her kimono made a ripping sound as yet another arm sprouted from her back and moved to the block and when it touched the block, she went from standing slightly kneeled to standing fully upright. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep it up forever, however, so she urged Sayuri and Kaito to hurry and leave the room, just like the nurses were rushing out. Once Kaito and Sayuri had cleared the area, she would throw the concrete block backwards with a tremendous force, and have it land in the corner of the room, breaking it in two. Her extra arms retracted into her body again as she deactivated her body. [i]“Kaito,”[/i] she politely said, [i]“if anyone asks, you had a fever dream and your leader grew two extra arms. This never really happened. Understood?”[/i] Yes, surely, it would be better to keep her hiden an actual hidden technique, to push out at the best of times. She'd been almost entirely sure that nobody had been watching either, her shrewd and quick mind having checked for lurking eyes prior to activating her technique. She had to cover herself from all angles, after all. With a quick movement she threw off the kimono revealing her standard Amegakure garb, and laid the kimono down over the concrete in such a way that the rebar from the reinforced concrete punctured the two holes her extra arms had made in the kimono. It was better to just act like the rebar itself had made those holes, than have anyone ask questions about it. It seemed that Yogensha was not just shrewd, calm and kind, she was also very careful not to alarm anyone to her capabilities. A trait that had served her well in the past and, hopefully, continued to do so. Once everything had been laid out carefully like a puzzle for anyone that entered the room to figure out, she left the room alongside Sayuri and Kaito. She had originally intended to leave the medical facility right away and return to Amegakure in a rapid tempo, but as they passed room 206 on the way to the stairwell, something caused her to stop. [i]“One moment,”[/i] she calmly informed her students, as she slid the door open. Inside she'd find a woman with blonde hair, and an Iwagakure uniform. She squinted with her eyes momentarily before recognizing her as a girl she'd seen on the screens in the observation deck. [i]“Excuse me,”[/i] Yogensha spoke up, [i]“but we are under attack. I am Yogensha of the Hidden Rain, though I don't expect you to know of me.”[/i] Yogensha bowed politely, much lower than would've been expected of her as a leader. Even in precarious situations like these, she seemed to maintain an air of calm, collectiveness and good etiquette. Purely looking at her face, you would never even have been able to tell that they were under attack. [i]“With the pleasantries aside, it would serve you well to come along and evacuate this facility. Feel free to follow me until we meet some other shinobi from Iwagakure.”[/i]