[centre][h2][color=39b54a]Chief/Cyrus[/color][/h2][/centre] Cyrus glanced at the chair next to Clara then he looked back at Armend. [color=cyan]"well I think the Chief might have left you two something to do."[/color] he said pointing at the empty chair. Sitting on the chair was a simple quest paper, hunt 5 ioprey. Cyrus looked up at the darkening sky, [color=cyan]"I'd say you got two options on what you can do. You can go out and hunt these ioprey now, albeit it's getting pretty dark. Or you could wait till the morning and head out then. Keep in mind that not all quests are going to be so lenient with their completion time, Monsters don't care about beauty sleep or family dinners. Only reason you got time is because this quest isn't currently a threat. Also the threat level is that high either. So the choice is up to you two. I'll be finishing my soup if you need me."[/color] Cyrus then walked off and went back to his soup [color=cyan][i]Great... It's cold...[/i][/color] The chief had vanished off to her bed for a nap, the chief didn't really have a proper sleeping schedule. [centre][h2][color=firebrick]Clara Baldwin[/color][/h2][/centre] Clara stood up and watched Cyrus help up Armend. She was indeed happy to see Armend get whooped, but she still wasn't keen on the whole thing anyway but she figured he was being an ass so he got hit. She then looked over at the chair next to her surprised to find a quest paper there instead of the chief, [color=00aeef][i]what the?[/i][/color] Clara's expression showed her slight shock. She eventually bent over and picked up the paper then looked up at Cyrus as he laid out their options. She thought about it as her head followed Cyrus back into the town hall. She looked over at Armend still a hint of anger stirring around [color=00aeef]"I think we should wait till morning. some nastier things come out during the night."[/color] the anger was not clear in her tone but was hinted at in her expression.