[quote=@Cyclone] Did Zephyrion actually use Liquid Light in lamps? It's possible that I've forgotten, but I seem to recall him only having been given one small vial by Astarte. He zealously guarded and hid that gift for a while before eventually using some of its magic to make Ventus and the djinn. ([@Kho] HA! That finally solves the plot hole of how djinn don't have souls and yet Ventus was givdn somd soul magic by Astarte's rock. Ventus is exception because he was one of those origignal few born from Zeph's own power and some liquid light) [/quote] Hmm, let me check that. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3395708]Post in which Zephyrion receives his first jar of Liquid Light. He stores it away.[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3401224]Post in which Djinni are created, from the first vial of Liquid Light.[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3501175]Post in which Astarte gifts a second batch of Liquid Light, which gets stored away.[/url] No mention of lamps that I have found. I must have mis-read what Zephyrion did with the second gift of Liquid Light. That said, there's still one vial of Liquid Light floating around the Celestial Citadel unless you somehow found a use for it later and forgot about it. If it was in the lower floors, it may have been destroyed, or it could still be intact. If it was in the upper floors, it might still be there, or it could have been blown up in the explosion.