[center][color=ed1c24][h1]HEY STRANGER! COME ON IN! Your very own Pokemon adventure is about to begin! [/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDBDVJh-H_hCiPKN2NixbHiC4TENzXyV3mkeVMynDBANLcV3Cz[/img][/center] Lo Town is a town almost equidistant between 3 of the major cities in Kanto (Saffron, Celadon and Cerulean); sitting snugly close to the foot of Mount Moon. The town is your typical Pokemon town with a Pokemon Center, Mart and Police Station, oh and of course [color=0072bc][center][b]The Sanctuary.[/b][/center][/color] [center][img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/2139/2139567-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] The Sanctuary is ingrained in the history of Lo Town beginning when the richest family in the town built Croup Manor. Business thrived however their money was frittered away as they attempted to create their own route into Mount Moon to pull trade from Pewter City through Lo Town. Sadly, despite huge investment, no reward and with their money gone the family was forced to abandon the manor with debts unpaid and many people making dark threats of what would happen if they dared to return. Croup Manor fell into disrepair but then the Pokemon came. First in a trickle then in a flood, wild pokemon and abandoned Pokemon came to inhabit the house and play in the wild grass. It seemed to happen overnight, the overgrown grass was trimmed, the crumbling walls were rebuilt thick and strong, the windows bright and sparkling. Croup Manor was returned to its former glory and maintained entirely by Pokemon. Firstly people came just to visit this novelty and the Pokemon assented as gracious hosts happy to allow people into their home. Then the trainers came hearing rumours of the strength of the Pokemon residing in Croup Manor and everything changed. With only the weakest Pokemon, unwanted and rejected, left to tend its walls the house crumbled again into disuse and disrepair once more, the Pokemon within dejected and downtrodden. In Lo Town, a meeting of town elders agreed that something must be done. Croup Manor was subsequently renamed and registered as The Official Pokemon Sanctuary making it illegal for Pokemon to be caught in its grounds with one exception. Each year on the first day of summer, it would open its door as a place for young trainers to be guided through catching their first Pokemon before starting their own Pokemon journey. [center]For years you’ve been waiting for your parents to take you to Sanctuary just as their parents did.[/center] [center]Now finally- this year is your year! Surely nothing could ruin your perfect day? [/center] [color=2e3192][h1]What I'm looking for[/h1][/color] I’m looking for 2-3 people to take the roles of young trainers ready to capture their first Pokemon at the Sanctuary and begin a Pokemon Journey starting in Kanto. I’m looking for high casual writers Post rate of once a week General RP courtesy, be good to your fellow rpers, respect my role as the gm and lets have a great bit of fun building a story for ourselves [color=2e3192][h1]What I'm offering you[/h1][/color] A good old Pokemon adventure that will evolve as time goes on starting with the original Kanto Pokedex and basic trainer techniques and expanding as we visit other territories and your characters and Pokemon get more powerful. Beyond the pursuit of badges and new and exciting Pokemon I have a rival style story-line whilst I'll also throw some fights and characters from both games and the TV series into the mix. Remember people: I like shorts they are comfortable and easy to wear! As much as I'd love to free form this RP I'd like to keep it contained to ensure everyone is moving at a similar pace particularly if you split off in different directions (which you are very welcome to do). So in between key points, for example when you travel from place to place, I'll be the person throwing Pokemon and Trainers at you using a simple dice system to keep things fair. Remember:you're always welcome to drop me a line in the ooc/pm if you've got something you really want to do. I'm really happy to work with you to make the best rp possible for all of us. Hope that all makes sense! [color=2e3192][h1]Interested/any questions- drop a post in here! Thanks for reading![/h1][/color]