[i][h3]The Vale[/h3][b]The Town,[/b] [b]Currently[/b][/I] Birbin hemmed and hawed for a moment, musing over the situation as he accompanied them into the grand [i]Hall[/i]. Its massive stone structure topped only by wood that should have, had it not been maintained so well, long rotted away. Everything by comparison to the small man was far, far larger and almost as though it might well have been constructed for giants in comparison to his meagerness. This was not what perplexed the wizard, rather that the mysterious [i]Green Man[/i] was nowhere to be found still, but Valmjr - a man he knew perhaps only slightly better - had survived. Not a complaint in the slightest, the gnome was visibly overjoyed, just more confused than he already had been before which was to no one's favor. For a few prolonged moments, almost as though he had not heard the far, far elder Wick, he looked up at the distant fireplace with his hand on his smooth, almost childish chin. He muttered incoherently, clearly lost in thought before realizing he was being addressed. "Oh, yes, yes! That is right, the [i]Hall[/i]." He began, hands wide and illustrating over the ceiling above him as they reached up, "It is the place heroes go to tell tales of their battles, rest, eat and drink..." Birbin trailed off for a moment, looking to the hunter of monsters as he called out various goods of use. "... but most importantly, the [i]Hall[/i] is... well, magical. Probably, or so Birbin thinks. There's stories of how the gods used to visit them and participate in great trials alongside mortal men, looking for those to prove their worth, but this isn't something that happens. Well, anymore at least, assuming the stories Birbin hears are true!" The gnome's worn shoes pattered across the floor with the near silence of a cat, leading the outrageous, vibrant purple robe trailing in response. He looked around, eyes wide and fixated on the fire, leaning from the left to the right to seemingly better understand what was but only a tremendous fireplace, upon which many logs were burning even now. The heat of its flames and vibrancy in light filled the shuttered room and likely kept the darkness out throughout the long night, yet this was not what seemed to glint in the gnome's eyes. It was a mystery, even to him whatever it was, but that was only temporary. While the paladin in her plate mail stashed away a few of the javelins the man in the mask had so courteously found, she too paused as the gnome erupted into exclamation. It came from nowhere, as to be expected, but with much thought. "Birbin knows why it is a temple!" He pointed at the floor, "The underground, of course! For the fallen heroes of Ysgard! That must be where the [i]Green Man[/i] went if he wasn't [i]here[/i] here." This revelation seemed to make the small man estatic, only to have the interrupted, armored woman shake her head and sigh in visible annoyance. Her expression almost seemed to narrate her thoughts of, [i]"Joy, a secret underground crypt."[/i] However, the wizard paid no heed to this and hurried excitedly toward Valmjr. "We must see this, you know the way, yes?" [hider=Effects] [i]None.[/i] [b]Score[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5ulJFg7KxY&index=45&list=PL8CB7943AB56938F8]Another Doorway[/url] [b]Map[/b] [i]???[/i] [/hider] [@Cu Chulainn], [@Gordian Nought], [@Hekazu], [@JBRam2002], [@Rig]