Jeff for the most part remained silent making sure to keep the ship safely flying through the air while letting Alvios and Jenso talked about Dacer. He felt like he had parts he could have added to that conversation, but overall just kept it to himself in order to keep his cool, after all losing control of your emotions for a sage was pretty much a no go and a lot of the power that Jeff drew from it relied on knowing when and where to let them loose. He did perk up however upon them mentioning the fact of toying with them and scoffed at the remark. [color=fff79a]"You know" [/color]The sage started to say butting himself in the conversation while still keeping his eyes on the screens. [color=fff79a]"They might have been toying with us during that fight, but it ended up playing out quite horribly for them cause of it. Pretty sure Bruce here had Zelraine nearly dead and while risky our plan to have Rajaka downright booted out of the realm went off without a hitch. Sure I did kinda get caught off guard by that one shot, but overall the only thing this did was give us more insight on how to prevent that from happening again." [/color] Jeff then gripped his left hand tightly and let out one of his hearty laughs that he hadn't done and nearly a good forever by this point. [color=fff79a]"You know what?! Let them go ahead and underestimate us again! This time they won't have anywhere to run when we mop the floor with them!"[/color]