After the defeat of the arcane monstrosity, and as the lizard-tailed girl arrived and delivered her monologue, Morgan checked over his remaining supply of ammunition. Noting the massive amount he had burned to half-blind the monster, he sighed and jumped off the rooftop, catching himself on the lower floor, then dropping to the ground. "Of course the freakin magician found a way to escape..." [i]Huh? Oh yeah, Chen wasn't in the cells earlier...[/i] Thinking back on the breakout and following events, Morgan wound up staring at the ground, his hand against his forehead. [i]How the heck did I forget about him in the first place, that suit of his stands out literally everywhere! And he still has to show me one of his card tricks.[/i] Brushing the current events aside, he made his way back towards the makeshift armory. Everyone else could deal in conversation, there was plenty of spare materials and guns lying around for him to scavenge.