Suddenly, the guys Houndoom pushed the back of Max's chair, causing him to fall out of his seat, and land face first onto the hard floor. "Gah!" Then he proceeded to make a speech about how he didn't need friends, and that he was better than everyone else in the room. Before Max had a chance to respond to his speech, Mr. Adams gave him a stern talking to. Of course, the kid with the Houndoom, who's name was Alex, didn't apologize for his Pokemon's behavior. [i]Figures...[/i] The boy thought. "Dude, chill! I was only trying to be nice!" His Togetic was shocked by this behavior, and started to babble something in Pokemon speech, that sounded like, [i]'Oh my gosh! Why would you do that?! That was sooooo mean!'[/i] And she continued babbling on and on, before Max signaled to her, and Belle shut her mouth, and took her seat back on the desk. As Max sat up, and rubbed his hurt face, Mr. Adams' Gardevoir asked him if he was ok. His eyes widened in surprise. He never had a Pokemon [i]speak[/i] to him before. Technically, it was thinking, but still. "Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry. Oh wow, I never seen a talking Pokemon before!" He proceeded to give the Gardevoir a hug, then abruptly let go. "Sorry. I'm a Fairy Trainer. The Ralts evolution line are on my list of Pokemon I want to get." As he got back into his seat, Mr. Adams put the names of trainers he would be living in the dorms with for this school year on the board. He was apparently living with a different Alex, but he wasn't familiar with any of the other names on the list. It didn't matter, as long as they were more friendly than this Houndoom guy, then all would be well.