[quote=@AngelofOctober] I didn't mean it in a rude way. Just making a conversation. As I tend to go for heavier characters or characters with a lot of weight to them. And the Persona inspired I was hoping for that. Not the silly oh "the heart of the cards" and more like inner torment and dark dwelling thoughts meets card game. Which is cool. And I do have several Persona based and Persona RPs.[b] I actually considered bringing one from another website to here. [/b] [/quote] Well I'd probably advise against that, as you've pointed out, this isnt a persona RP, and trying to fit a character so deeply tied to that narrative in a completely original world might not provide the desired results. Its probably just best to wait until the OOC so you have a better Idea of the tone and direction of the RP, before any solid character concepts.