Ritzy yawned all through Steven Stone's speech. Sure, it was probably important, but speeches were so boring, this one was no exception. Battling wasn't interesting to her. Sure, it was an important aspect of being a trainer and she;d battled in the past, having some Unova badges to prove this, but battles weren't the thing that drew her to the life of a trainer, and hearing Stone talk about battling onlymade her more and more bored. Luckily she got sleep on the bus, or else she'd be in danger of falling asleep right in the middle of the speech. That would have been bad, no one wants to be known as the sleeping kid on the first day. Especially not by the teachers. When the speech finally ended, Ritzy checked her materials. She was to go to room 108, someone named Adams. Whatever. Didn't matter who her teacher was, he or she would just be a footnote in the eventual biography of Ritzy. If a teacher was particularly memorable, Ritzy might even go to one for an interview for said biography.Ritzy waited around in the main hall while other students filed out. She was in no hurry. It was the first day, what kind of teacher would be mad about tardiness on the first day? A bad teacher, that's who. Ritzy eventually made her way to room 108, after taking the longer, more scenic route. She could her people in the classroom, probably the teacher and students. Smiling, she opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. "Ladies and gentlemen, Ritzy is here. Hold your applause, I know that meeting celebrities can be a new experience, but please, I'm just like everyone else. Just famous. No applause, no flash photography, and please, hold the autograph requests until free time! To think, you will all have the privilage, nay, the honor of one day telling your kids that you were a classmate of the famous....RITZY!" Ritzy made her introduction as soon as she entered the classroom, twirling down the desk aisles as she did so. It was one way to make an impression, to be sure.