If everyone agrees, and want to. We can restart it and time skip to maybe Monday evening, lunch is also a option. I mean I Don, t mind posting the time skips. I can try and make up a wnsday night event to bring everyone to one location if wanted if people help put with ideas or such. Say the aquriam night time fundraiser, small event at local coffee shop like a local celebration type event like a cafe birthday, or such. Just to get everyone to one location, open a few more interactions. Orgonisizing a RP cannot be that hard right lol... Don, t tell me.. Please lol! Joke. I Don, t mind, the world is built, it's mainly trying to keep up. Momentum. Events and keeping life into the city. If we all help abit we can make this work easily. [@Dogematix][@Pilatus][@Hammerman]we [@Stern Algorithm][@SamaraJayne96]