[Center][h3]Sigurx's Cave [/h3][/center][hr] As the group began to prepare for its attack, the troll calmly put down the food it gnawed, grabbing instead what appeared to be the trunk of a tree. "Oi, there ain't enuff of ya to be gobs!" It called out loudly as it stood to its feet. "If you ain't be gobs, I got no quarrel with ya. Put down yer shiny bows and blades, or else you be squishies." As Kyra got closer, she could see that in addition to the grotesque features of a normal troll's face, this troll also had severe burns covering half its face, and one eye was missing. All across its body were jagged blade slices crisscrossing, as if he had felt the gentle caress of a thousand cuts. The troll was old, perhaps bordering on elderly, and he was no stranger to battle.