Gonna make this short and sweet because I've been trying to fall asleep for a hot minute. I'm craving a good HP roleplay, as I've been really working on a Slytherin OC cosplay for a few weeks. I have a few characters ready to be used right now; two Slytherin boys, a slytherin girl, and a Ravenclaw girl or boy. I prefer Casual, I'm fine with Smut if you are, I will do MxM, MxF, or FxF. I do lean towards sub/uke, but with my Slytherin boys I've been practicing writing as a dom/seme. I love angst, but it's not required obviously. Just know that I won't shy away from it if you wish to persue it. One of my Slytherin boys has a bit of a tragic childhood. PM me the following info if you're interested. MxM/MxF/FxF? Smut rating? How many paragraphs per post are expected from me?