Jenso took note of Bruce's golems clashing with Ada's clones, while it seemed like Jeff and Bruce had the most attention from the clones. He jumped down beside Alvios after he destroyed Cilia's clone. He landed beside Alvios, letting white flames emerge from his body to eradicate any purple goo that might form beneath himself and Alvios. He stomped his left foot into the ground, and a large wall of white flames emerged behind Bruce's army which covered the full length of the field. [color=f26522]"Don't worry about the white flames, guys. With my Ki mixed in, they won't hurt you."[/color] He stated, loud enough for the heroes to hear but not Adarine. Of course, he wasn't sure if it even mattered if she did or not, but keeping that fact a secret could help them to land a blow. Alvios was right, defeating Adarine would end this whole situation. The white flame wall began to move forwards, and coated Bruce's rock army in over-heated white flames as it advanced to increase their damaging capabilities, but they did not melt as a result. The flames would end up phasing through any heroes who would be struck, and the attack kept going with great pushing power behind it so it would clash against Adarine's clone army and to straight up incinerate them to clear a path towards the witch. The heroes were able to see through the white flames from their side, but Adarine herself could not. Jenso dashed alongside Bruce's rock army as they fought, paying close attention to see how the clones would react.