Lunise's expression went dour. "I can only call it an atrocity. To lose your history, your identity, even your very nature to become scrabbling savages. It is disgusting and pitiful whenever I hear of the Falmer." She clasped her hands behind her back. "Though, if the Snow Elves were too weak and defeated to maintain such things, perhaps it was an inevitable destiny." Karl let out the rest of his breath rather than speak on. Coincidental timing had Sabine hand Karl a knife and a small bag of potatoes. "Would you mind peeling these for me?" "Of course," Karl quietly said. He put his cane aside and took the items. He bent his elbows to watch the first potato closely as he peeled it. He made up for his eyesight with dexterity, at least. [hr] Fendros sucked in his lips and looked down. "Alright." He looked to Ahnasha. "We shall feel our way through it. But, as we go through the planning, just speak up if you aren't confident that the arrangements will work. You're one of the two going in. Don't think we have to make this work if it clearly cannot." Tilting his head and giving a thin smile, Fendros reached down and squeezed Ahnasha's hand encouragingly. "I think it's time we headed in," he said.