[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][@rivaan] [@Pundii] [@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@ONL][hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 4th, 1924 - 1:20 P.M. Local Time[/color][/b][/h3][hr][/center] [color=f7976a][b][i]The Prison:[/i][/b][/color] Alright you three, travel from the prison to the barracks will take this entire round but Lady Luck has smiled on you and has not given you much to worry about. The drive, while a bit slow due to traffic during this time of the day is nothing that brings you to a full stop for a very long time. There are remnants of a cart in a section of the road but it seems to be mostly cleared away. A sight detour passed the Museum will leave you seeing more than the usual number of cats roaming the sidewalks and perched on various statues and walls. Perhaps not more than usual but you are noticing them today. As well as a man carrying a rather large vase over filled with flowers, so many in fact he is having a hard time seeing around them as he enters the museum. You will arrive just at the front gate by the end of post but won't be waved in as of yet. (Sigil, you can bring everyone into the gate by the end of the corporals update.) [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Peter[/color] & [color=598527]George[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xT9IgGjQHwELXN5mmc/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][i][color=82ca9d]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office[/center][hr] Peter gave a nod towards George as he entered the room, a small smile on his face as he saw his old friend for the first time in many many years. It had been since before he had vanished that Peter had been able to talk to George and since his return he had not contacted the man as of yet. He had meant to but his mind had been to so many places, so many things he wanted to say, so much he felt that needed to be said in person and not through some western union telegram that he had kept putting it off. As surprised as he was to see that George was in Cairo it raised no alarms with the Englishman. George had a way about him and if he had caught word of Peter still breathing, he surprised him not that he had sought him out. George was loyal to what friends he had, to a fault even. [color=82ca9d]"George,"[/color] he said and was about to introduce him to his uncle when his uncle's little debacle happened. It did not surprise George in the least the way that the older gentleman reacted. Though he couldn't be sure if it was him that had caused the incident or something else, George would have been willing to lay a rather sizable bet that it was indeed him. [color=598527]"Mmm, you seem to have fallen,"[/color] George said quietly, the gravel in his voice coming through but there was a bit of humor to the half of his face in which he could express anything. His head lowering slightly and turning to peer towards Peter through his one good eye. Peter's eyes widened. He had tried to warn his uncle but it seemed that he had not warned him enough from the looks of things. Clearing his throat he stepped over towards the desk and took the flask from his uncle as he leaned against his cane. [color=82ca9d]"Uncle, did you perchance slip on the tea that was split earlier? Did they not clean up the happenstance properly?"[/color] he asked, trying to give his uncle an out for his reaction and somewhere else to lay the blame. A guttural chuckle came quietly from George's lips. [color=598527]"Tea, mmm, yes, deadly, mmm,"[/color] he said as he stood there, pulling his page boy cap from his head and fiddling with it between his fingers. Peter had to stifle a choke as he tried to take a pull from the flask before warbling over towards George and handing the flask to him. [color=82ca9d]"Quite,"[/color] Peter said as George took the flask and kept looking towards the desk where Reginald was laid out behind. [color=82ca9d]"George, let me have the honor of introducing you to the Lord Major Keystone, my uncle,"[/color] Peter added as he tried to move on. [color=598527]"Yes, Reginald, mmmm, you spoke of him frequently, mmm, yes,"[/color] George said quietly before handing the flask back over to Peter without taking a drink from it. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f7976a]Vera Munn[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33400000/The-Mummy-Movies-Fan-Art-the-mummy-movies-33401342-491-307.gif[/img][hr][b][i][color=f7976a]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Egyptian Museum: Her Office[/center][hr] Vera looked up from her cup of tea after taking a small sip of it. [color=f7976a]"Oh Bastet, she was thought to be a truly unique goddess in Egyptian religion. Daughter of Ra, the Sun God. An exceptional goddess even among the pantheon for such a wide polytheistic religion. You see, with most Gods and Goddesses of Egypt there seemed to be set with one task to tend to or perhaps several but Bastet, so many. Women, children, pregnancy, fertility, healers, sorcerers, magicians, the sun, the moon, joy, protection, love. The list does go on and on for her. She was even looked at as the protector of the Pharaoh, whom the ancient Egyptians thought was the physical form of Ra. A daughter guarding her father and all that was Egypt. She is the reason why Cats are such praised beings among the Egyptians even to this day. Any feline really. Remarkable to myself that such a feminine figure was so revered for not only the female side of the genders but so much strength as well."[/color] The librarian seemed as if she could babble on for days about Bastet. She probably could if she if she was left to her own devices. Bastet was the most intriguing of Gods to Vera. Turning her attention to Nora as she explained a few things she glanced over towards Neema whom was nibbling on a finger sandwich. "Oh yes, of course," Neema said as she pulled the small food away from her lips and set it down on the saucer next to her tea up. Clearing her throat a bit, she began to speak. "An au unna ni Peta, en Ta: resu meh mehta, meh amenta, meh abta; U-en-kua em kshat-ten. Nuk eh-b em maat-pv; un mit-a nem." Vera's brow shot up as Neema began to speak, that was Ancient Egyptian, not like the modern that was spoken in the streets but far more removed from today's language, it was a language all unto itself. Over at the front desk Akhmed stood there, seeing several come in already for the position but not one had made the basic requirements and he had sent them off post haste with nothing more than a thank you for coming exiting his lips. As the delivery man came in he rose a brow seeing the monstrosity of flowers and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself as the man made his way directly passed the desk with a nod and headed back towards the administrations portion of the museum. Down in the archives there was not much on the way of reading material, most just items that had been retrieved from previous digs and that would go on display from time to time or were there for research purposes. Actual texts and translations, those were up with Vera in her office, well what passed as her office - the library itself was just beyond it yet one had to go through her to get to it. That would prove... interesting. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Aziza Tarek[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/fAfg6URztG4Y8/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][i][color=a187be]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Gheit el Idda: Sgt. Walsh's Apartment -> Aziza's Home[/center][hr] Aziza moved quickly, staying close to Harry and lacing her fingers with his as they made their way from his apartment to the stables where his horse was kept. Standing there as he spoke to the stable hand and retrieved Roach she looked around nervously. A slight breath of relief came from her lips as he came back and held his hand out to her to get up onto the horse. Nodding slightly, she, with the help of Sgt. Walsh climbed up onto the horse and settled herself down in front of Harry. Normally if one was riding and another controlling the horse one would sit behind the person in control but Aziza did not feel safe enough right then to have her full body exposed like that. She hoped that perhaps sitting in front of him would keep her from being as noticed by people and as easy to identify by those they would be passing. Resting herself down she relaxed a bit and leaned back against Harry as they made their way away from the stables, giving him directions as they went. As they went Aziza found herself relaxing more and more. Something about being around him put her at ease and the more she thought about them leaving Cairo for places elsewhere the more she liked the idea. Getting away from everything, even if it was to try to learn more about the markings that had appeared on her necklace, was a welcome change. She would still be in the country but hopefully far enough away she wouldn't need to watch her back constantly. It didn't take long before they were in front of her building. [color=a187be]"Here we are,"[/color] she said softly as she looked over to him and waited for him to dismount and help her down from his horse.