Ok, yes we where basicaly going to take over command as it where if GM did not want to and try and run it ourself, we enjoyed and it and found it a good RP so we where and are aiming to save it. The crew where gonna take over the bridge as it where. The idea is to time skip short, then to go to a larger event, ideas that are rough so far but include fairly regular combined events to keep group together and let people interact outside smaller groups, but also still room to go their own way. so one or two time skips, we have a group event such as a cafe eveining, or a gala, or say a BBQ night etc that is used to bring everyone together and keep things fresher, open up more interactions, rivalries and friendships. I know this probbly similar to your ideas, but when seemingly minus GM i thought of the plan , so i hope you can help us, and join us in our little idea to breathe life back to the RP and everyone work together to make it a sucessful one.