[b]g e a r s[/b] GEARs is a mecha-based, anthro RPG with heavy sci-fi elements and a rich, detailed background. I originally created it several years ago, and it went through several iterations, though eventually died for good after I lost the resolve to restart it yet another time after numerous people dropping out. I have decided to resurrect it again, as I have the desire to run a mecha-based RPG that draws heavily on my interests in mecha anime, sci-fi and anthropomorphic characters. GEARs is set in a far-off world in an unknown time, and follows a race on the world of Arvara as they spiral into a dangerous world of impending warfare and violence. Among all the animal-like people of this world exists the knowledge that their species is created, but not the knowledge to the questions of why, who did it, for what purpose, and what happened to their creators. The development of their technologically sophisticated species has obviously been influenced by these creators. The differing reactions to the knowledge of their creation has set in motion a brewing storm of conflicting ideals, goals, and beliefs in how to react, and as such the world of Arvara stands on the precipice of war. The main weapons in this war will be GEARs, armed robots used as fighting machines alongside more conventional weapons and equipment, on all sides of the battle. The player characters will take on the roles of pilots in a new unit belonging to a coalition of nations. Their unit pilots the newly-produced transformable VG-0 V-GEAR (much like the Variable Fighters of macross in role and operation), and carry out Special Operations in support of the goal of avoiding the war, or ending it before it begins - as well as dealing with other brewing, and more nebulous, sinister and mysterious problems going on across Arvara. Naturally their squadron will - as is the nature of such things - find themselves at the hub of unfolding events, and it could ultimately be their choices and beliefs that end up determining the course of fate for all Arvarans... I am ideally looking for up to six players, and no less than three. Anyone who has played before is welcome to come back; though do be warned: it isn't the same game as before, which I know will turn people off. I'm also not looking to run a deeply grim, gritty and massively realistic game; there will be some level of reality to the events and technology in the setting, and much of it is based in realistic concepts and terms, but I am [b]adamant[/b] that no nit-picking of the technology of the setting be the focus. The story, plot, and journey of adventure come first.