Goblin burrows close to town? Sweet. Yuel's face broke into a grin when she was assigned the combat mission that had been mostly ignored. She couldn't help but see some of these people as cowards for not wanting to deal with the goblin threat, but if they were cowards, they wouldn't be part of the guild for long. Of course the Meatshield was thrilled about both the combat mission, and the gold piece she would be recieving for completing it. With that she'd easily be able to pay her rent this month, feed herself, and pass on some coin to the city guard, who were always horribly under paid, and under armored. Yuel stepped over to Laurence, the B rank who would be in charge. Standing there as well was some pretty blonde girl that she had never met before. Eyeing the girl for a moment told Yuel everything she needed to know. Her appearance, her attitude, everything about her screamed noble. At least to Yuel who knew the smell of noble bullshit very well. She also knew what it was like to want to hide that, so for once her life, the meatshield held her tongue about it. Instead, as she stepped past the noble, she slapped the girl on the back in what she thought was a friendly gesture. "Laurence, nice to work with you again. You know the drill, give me an order and I'll follow it through to the end. Same goes for you Blondy, if you need me during the battle, just call out. They call me Meatshield for a reason." Yuel glanced around for their last member, Derrien. It was only four of them against the goblins, and Yuel had no idea what two of their team were capable of. This was going to be both fun, and a challenge. Just the kind of mission that Yuel liked.