[img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/fcdf321741419ae7660ccd7550226d22/tumblr_ochzdjkEA91uwb389o3_1280.png[/img] Name: Sonya the Hedgehog Nickname: Experiment 98394 Gender: Female Age: 27 Personality: In a way, Sonya is an older, female-flipped version of her baby brother Sonic; easy-going, determined, and self-confident, she's always looking for opportunities that would satisfy her and Sonic's need for freedom and adventure, since their escape from human personnel. For this desire to be met above all else, Sonya is always on the move (mainly because she literally can't stay in one place for too long), having to stick by her brother's side at all times, and develop grudges with anyone who'd wish them harm, or get in their way of reaching their life-goal. Usually the more mature and methodical of the two, Sonya is the one who rarely gets impulsive; in fact, she prefers to use her intelligence, which she finds very confident in using, when getting out of opposing situations. But, just because she is a natural drifter, doesn't mean she's uncaring for the wellbeing of others, especially when it involves her friends and family. Her bond with Sonic is undoubtedly her most important relationship; one that defines the vulnerabilities of her strong and stubborn character, such as concern, anger, embarrassment, sadness, and tenderness. Crush: Knuckles [i]might[/i] have a crush on me. It might be true, though I can't exactly tell. Mate: As his big sister, me and Sonic wouldn't be considered as mates; though we don't exactly treat each other as such, we do value one another greatly. Since we are always seen together, people often mistaken us to be "together". But I always tell them "no". Kits: Not yet. But I'm hopeful. Voiced by: Suzy Myers.