When Anna heard foot steps following her quickly out of the building, she was about to quicken her pace when her next door neighbor spoke to her, asking her if she needed a ride. She stopped walking and turned slightly, looking at him for a quick moment, her blond hair slightly hanging in her face, before she nervously glanced at her watch. She was indeed a few minutes late. Now she was torn. She could walk and likely get to her class late, which she really hated to do, or accept the ride from a boy she barely even knew and risk something slipping out that she definitely didn't want slipping. She shifted her weight nervously again from one foot to the other before she carefully nodded, "Okay." She knew this was a bad idea. A really bad idea. But it was just simple a car ride. How bad could it be? She followed him a few paces behind, walking over to his car. It was an older car, but definitely a classic she had to admit. It was a nice car. She silently opened up the door to the passenger side and climbed on, the same worried look on her face as she refused to look at him. What if something happened? What if her powers, for any reason, got out of control while she was with him in this car? She had purposely avoided people, especially him, for such reasons. He reminded her too much of her past. Too much of Danny. Danny had been a lot like Tucker. Smiling. Always happy and cracking jokes. She had loved that about Danny. And being around someone who acted as Danny had wasn't helping to conceal her powers at all. She buckled up and placed her backpack in her lap, her medium length straight blonde hair acting as a curtain between she and the boy in the drivers seat, as if she were trying to hide from him. Well, technically she was trying to hide from him, but surely he didn't know that. She bit down on her bottom lip as the car roared to life when he turned the key in the ignition and glanced out the car window, her body tense and unsure about what she had just agreed to.