[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/W71IOPB.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue] Marcus sighed and laid his head on the steering wheel. The driving portion of his day certainly proved exciting, but he never considered so many careless drivers. He groaned and mumbled to himself before putting his hand on the key. Turning it, he shut the engine off and parked the car. Of course, Marcus thought he correctly placed the car beside the curb, but the vehicle was on the sidewalk! [color=cyan]"We're here. Let's get this over with,"[/color] Marcus opened the driver's door and jumped out of the SUV. He looked around to see anything out of the ordinary. Nothing seemed out of place. The neighborhood looked an average place for middle place families. The suburban houses appeared plain in Marcus' eyes. [color=cyan]"I parked in the smack center of the area of the kidnappings. I believe this what our best bet. So what do you guys what to do? Surveillance or just start knocking on other people's houses?"[/color] [/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/adOlLvA.png[/img][/center] [color=gray] The younger sister made the trip back to the house unbearable. Liz dealt with all of her screaming and scratches. Never did she see her sister act like this. Her feet dragged which only prolonged the trip. Something kept pulling Liz into the forest. Her dialogue became distorted by frequent yelling and crying. When they finally got home, Liz accompanied her sister to her room. Her sister only began to start scratching at the walls and roll around on the carpet. [hr] The kid grinned. [color=red]"Okay, follow me into the forest."[/color] He began skipping deeper into the woods. The boy then stopped his tracks and asked a few questions. [color=red]"What is your name? Your hobbies? Favorite part of the body?"[/color] He flashed another smile. [/color] [hr] [center][@t2wave][@LeamonZest89][@Old Amsterdam][@1Hawkeyes][/center]