[h2][center]Shokuhou Misaki[/center][/h2] The moment that the weird old man let go of her, Misaki tumbled forward and (very ungracefully) took some distance between herself and her kidnapper. The entire incident, all things considered, was a tad too much for her tastes, especially with the possible implications of a strange man dragging a young teenage girl off the streets. That sentence [i]alone[/i] created enough assumptions, and the Level 5 wasn't about to let her guard down quite yet. "Pepper spray isn't poison, so I guess it's your lucky day," she said, holding the bottle at the ready before a small ball of fire put enough distance between the two. Since the possibility of 'Academy City ESPer' had already been ruled out by her kidnapper's age, the only possible word she could tie back to this was 'magic'. Fun. "In any case, that was Tokyo you just so [i]rudely[/i] kidnapped me from. I'd appreciate it if you returned me there. Snatching hapless young women off the streets is a very good way to get your name on a list, you know?" she quipped, the residual effects of her self-induced mind control still going strong. Maybe if it hadn't been active, she might have been a little more... Frightened. Or terrified. Frightened was more apt a description, though. [hr] [h2][center]Leonardo Watch[/center][/h2] "O-oh. So no idea, huh? Can't be helped, I guess," Leo sighed, shaking his head as he walked around Suwako before bowing. "Well, er... Sorry, but I should probably go now. Something's weird, and I need to figure out what it is as soon as possible. After all, everyone's probably worried about me not being there on time... Or at all, now that I think about it." With a meek smile, the young man nodded his head towards Suwako before walking back onto the streets of the city. Unlike Hellsalem's Lot, this place seemed a lot more vibrant, though that may have just been the lack of fog covering the city from top to bottom working towards that. It certainly was strange, seeing a blue sky again after working for Libra for so long, but that was just the start of the mystery. He was no detective, but finding out the answer to that? Well— The sound of a car crash promptly caused the young man to stiffen, his head quickly darting around to ascertain the location from whence it came. The fact that the origin was, indeed, a car was not the issue; rather, the hulking giant that had caused such a crash was more a cause for concern. There were a few members of Libra that he might have been able to draw parallels to, but now really wasn't the time for that. [i]"He stands out, but... Do I want to risk exposing my eyes any more? This feels too dangerous to use actively..."[/i] he mused to himself as Sonic casually grabbed another fry out of the bag and, without a moment's hesitation, ran up to the giant (or, rather, leaped to him from above the crowd in the blink of an eye) before offering the food to him. "Hey, Sonic! What are you doing?" Leo called, realizing a few seconds late that the monkey had decided to go off and do its own thing once again. [hr] [h2][center]Hinanawi Tenshi[/center][/h2] "Hey, hey, that's just how things are back in Gensokyo! Fight first, tea later!" Tenshi responded back, a smirk on her face as she watched her opponent draw a weapon of his own. The name Alberich meant absolutely nothing to her, of course, but the fact that he was wielding his own sword of flame was quite troublesome. Not because he was lunging at her, of course, but because it was a fire in the middle of a forest. That was just asking for trouble. Before Tenshi could move to try and parry the blow, the girl who she had intervened on behalf of had swung her weapon, creating a wave of energy that rivaled the attacks of some of the more powerful residents of Gensokyo. Tenshi instinctively took a step back and watched the blast fly through the park and blast a tree off into the sky. "I think I should seal this back up later. Earthquakes would be bad. But first, the fight!" she said, immediately turning her attention back to Alberich before extending her left hand out at him. In an instant, a keystone appeared in front of it and began to spin. A ring of large needle-like projectiles rapidly began to fire out of it in turn before the keystone itself was launched. As soon as it went flying, Tenshi launched herself forward, the Sword of Hisou glowing in her hands as she swung at the man in tandem with the other girl. The mist had slowly gathered around the ground by this point, so if worst came to worst, she could twist the weather and create some chaos. Granted, that also ran the risk of attracting the gap youkai to drag her back to Gensokyo, but that was a problem she would deal with if it ever became one.