The heat of life restored to Kiera's limbs, and the light of Borealis. She restrained herself from roaring and lashing out like the half-breed had, focusing on her prayer. [color=royalblue]"To the righteous, truth and victory. To the unfaithful, despair and defeat."[/color] she raised her torch once more and headed in the direction the fiend had gone. She shouted forth [color=royalblue]"The light has come for you, accursed one! You cannot run from our dawn!"[/color] The templar turned back to the group seething. She could see the half-fiend had reigned in some composure and was already question a fearful Sir Arthur. Surprisingly the noble stood ready, hands gripped tightly around his torch and weapon drawn. She had clearly mistook him, she could count the people she could rely on not to flee after such an assault in under a minute. [color=royalblue]"His faith was weak."[/color] she waved her hand to the shadows. [color=royalblue]"Darkness moves amongst darkness, we shall not be caught like this again now that the it has wasted it's surprise."[/color] with that she returned to her chant, poised ready to advance again