[quote=@POOHEAD189] I'd say the fact Trump won just proves how misinformed people are rather than how informed he is, but then again he lost the popular vote. [s]I don't think he's a complete idiot bu-[/s] Ok I was going to give a concession for the sake of discussion, but I do think he's a complete idiot. [/quote] Good thing our country doesn't run by popular vote i.e. being ruled by California or New York liberal democratic bastions. He won the most states, he won the electoral count, this is how a Republic works and that system is far superior than pure popular vote which I consider mob rule. And if Hillary had won the election, I could say that her victory would have proved how misinformed people are rather than how informed she is. This is circular logic, it goes nowhere because of its birth within our natural prejudices. Whether Trump is or is not an idiot is irrelevant because it's practically impossible to prove one way or the other as subjective debates are prone to proceed upon this route. Trump ran on economic improvement via preventative measures for illegal immigration, and lowering taxes. These things appealed to the middle class especially in middle America. Their shifting vote from Obama to Trump [u]appears[/u] to be proof of this standpoint.