[quote=@POOHEAD189] Well...he didn't initially understand the ramifications of nuclear fallout without needing to be told in no uncertain terms [/quote] What do you mean? [quote] he's given away key information to foreign diplomats in order to brag which has put lives in danger (the agent in question possibly died)[/quote] I heard about that but I didn't get a lot of details. What information was given to Russia, specifically? Who specifically was put into danger? And most importantly what is the source for what is known to us? [quote]he didn't know the uses of uranium[/quote] Can you give me an example? [quote]he didn't know that he wasn't the largest republican lead in a race since Reagan[/quote] That is true, he was wrong about that. But does a failure to recall the margin of victory of every GOP victor for 36 years make you an idiot or even imply anything negative about your intelligence? I certainly don't think someone is stupid because they couldn't win Jeopardy. [quote]he's bankrupted a casino[/quote] I've filed chapter 13. It's part of the game. Boxers and MMA fighters aren't wimps because they get knocked out, soldiers aren't cowards because they become prisoners of war, doctors aren't terrible because a patient dies and business people aren't stupid because a business goes bankrupt. Sometimes the worst happens. It sucks but that's just how it is. [quote]he thinks coal power is clean[/quote] Example please. [quote]he needs 1 page paper reports with his name mentioned often in order for him to continue to pay attention[/quote] Requiring your subordinates to be economical with your time is a good thing, not a bad one. [quote]and these are all without me needing to look up things I might have forgotten[/quote] Are you familiar with catastrophization? It is a common cognitive distortion that is also known as minimization and maximization. Catastrophizating is when you give maximum possible weight to any information that could be construed as a negative. If you look at your examples of Trump's 'idiocy' you may find that you are giving negative interpretations far more weight than the actual evidence calls for. But you are also minimizing. When you look at Trumps accomplishments, evidence that he is intelligent, you give undo weight to any interpretation that confirms what you already believe. Evidence that confirms your viewpoint is maximized, evidence that refutes it is minimized.